Is Netball Harder than Basketball?

Is netball harder than basketball

Posted: 12. 03. 2025

by energetic

Netball and basketball are two of the most popular team sports worldwide, but when it comes to difficulty, opinions are often divided. Many athletes and fans wonder, Is netball harder than basketball? While both sports require athleticism, skill, and strategy, they have distinct differences that set them apart. In this article, we will break down the difficulty levels of each sport, compare specific skills, and explore their unique challenges.

What Takes More Skill, Basketball Or Netball? 

Skill level in any sport is subjective, but both netball and basketball require a high degree of talent and dedication. However, is netball harder than basketball in terms of skill requirement? Let’s analyze the key aspects: 

  • Ball Handling and Movement 

Great dribbling competence remains essential in basketball because players must move beyond defenders without dropping the ball. Since netball bans dribbling, players must rely on precise passing movements as well as strategic movements while not possessing the ball. Swiftness in making choices, along with precision in teamwork, become essential because of this gameplay restriction. 

  • Positioning and Footwork 

The official rules of Netball restrict player movements because footwork restrictions exist. A player obtains the ball while using a single foot as a pivot point prior to passing an addition difficulty. As a factor in basketball, players need effective footwork, yet they maintain unrestrained movement. 

  • Physicality and Endurance 

Basketball is a contact sport where the players will often physically battle over the ball. Netball is thought of as being non-contact, yet actually remains quite a physically demanding sport due to its nature, where the players continually reposition themselves inside their given area. 

Finally, the skill set necessary varies between the two sports, so it is difficult to ascertain which requires more skill. If we look at the accuracy necessary in passing, positioning, and limited movement, though, it is argued that netball poses special challenges, making it more difficult than basketball. 

Is It Harder To Shoot In Netball Or Basketball? 

Shooting is a very important aspect of both the games, but mechanics differ and is not as easy. Is netball more difficult than basketball in terms of shooting? Let’s contrast: 

  • Shooting Range and Restrictions 

The court coverage of basketball players enables them to fire their shots from every position and beyond the three-point boundary to generate additional scoring opportunities. When playing netball, only the Goal Shooter and Goal Attack team members are authorized to shoot while bound to the semi-circle area. 

  • Accuracy and Technique 

Netball rules forbid using any backboards which makes every shot demanding for precision due to the lack of this tool. The backboard serves basketball players as they improve their scoring chances, mostly for layups and bank shots. 

  • Defensive Pressure 

While both games have defensive pressure, netball’s one-meter rule restricts defenders from coming close to the shooter. But that is not necessarily easier; shooters still have to deal with strategic blocking and compact angles. 

Taking all these factors into consideration, shooting in netball is more demanding because of the limited shooting zones and absence of a backboard, necessitating supreme accuracy and skill. 

Is Netball Different From Basketball? 

Netball Different From Basketball

Yes, both are fundamentally different sports. Is netball different from basketball in ways that impact difficulty? Absolutely! Some of the biggest distinctions include: 

  • Number of Players: The seven-player format of netball stands against the five-member basketball teams, leading to different gameplay styles.  
  • Dribbling Rules: Basketball gives players the option to dribble, but netball enforces complete dribbling restrictions.  
  • Court Size and Movement: A basketball court extends across more space so its players enjoy expanded movement options, but netball positions each player inside defined zones according to their designated spot on the team.  
  • Time Duration: Each netball game lasts a total of 60 minutes through four periods, limiting 15 minutes. Each other game needs significantly longer durations to finish its matches. 

Different factors explain why certain athletes recognize netball as more difficult to play when transitioning from basketball. 

What Is The Hardest Sport For A Girl? 

Every individual faces a unique level of difficulty that depends on both their personal capabilities and their individual choice preferences. Some of the most demanding athletic competitions for women consist of: 

  • Gymnastics – Competing in gymnastics poses an enormous challenge because it requires complete flexibility together with powerful strength and absolute physical balance. 
  • Ice Hockey – Ice Hockey imposes speed, physicality, and skating skills upon its participants. 
  • Tennis – Requires stamina, agility, and powerful strokes. 
  • Netball – Involves constant movement, sharp passing, and precise shooting. 
  • Basketball – Demands ball-handling, coordination, and endurance.  

So, is netball harder than basketball for girls? It depends on individual skills and experience, but netball’s unique restrictions and precision requirements make it a demanding sport for female athletes. 


Both netball and basketball are challenging in their own ways, but the question is whether netball is harder than basketball. Really does depend on what you are thinking of. Netball demands great teamwork, precision, and planning to pass because of its strict rules, whereas basketball is more relaxed in terms of movement and scoring.   

Regardless of whether you are playing netball or basketball, the right equipment makes you a better player. If you need top-notch sportswear, look at our Netball Singlet – Elite Paneled. Buy now to acquire the best uniforms for your team! For your personalized team jerseys, order a quote today and achieve the perfect fit for your netball team!
